Sharing happiness: International day for Happiness 2018

It is the International day for Happiness today. I wish all my readers all the happiness and positivity in life.😊 The theme for the year 2018 is "Share Happiness". Complying with the idea, I'm very happy to announce a special discount of flat 50% on the Happy Guide, a first rate authority on the methods... Continue Reading →

Hala wonderful readers! It gives me immense joy to announce that The Caged Bird Sings just crossed it's 2000 followers' mark. My blog completes it's 8 months on the 21st of August. In less than 8 months, I've seen hundreds of reblogs, thousands of views, visitors and comments and tonns of love from my readers. I'd like... Continue Reading →

Today I noticed a few birds just flying and enjoying themselves. Why can't I be like them?😔 I mean, look at the level of freedom they have! Flying over a river!! Yeah, the bird wishes if I were a cloud and the cloud wishes if I were a bird... The same old story. Yeah the... Continue Reading →

What is it that I see beyond the horizon? Is it the caged bird that has been set free...?

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