Why What and How to study

With boards, annuals, mid-sems or end-sems around the corner, each and every student is freakin' out loud, "Exams!!!" All you need to do is relax in the first place and then apply "thinking-out-of-the-box" mechanism. Check out more in the following video that I stumbled upon on YouTube. https://youtu.be/4-zRZmKm9IA

Healing heart

There comes a time when you let go of the plethora of pain and suffering. There comes a time when you choose to extract yourself out from the abyss of distress and relocate yourself where you actually belong. You decide to let go of all the darkness and welcome life's all bounties. It doesn't kill... Continue Reading →

Work on yourself!

Nobody is perfect. Each one of you has a flaw. It could be anything... Either you may be a procrastinator, or you may be too proud, or that you are unable to plan things properly in order, or any such thing which is coming as a hurdle in your path towards success. Having such flaws... Continue Reading →

Beliefs Control Results

Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, either way you're right!                                      ~ Henry Ford A belief is a feeling of absolute certainty. If you want to achieve anything anything in life, you need to... Continue Reading →

If you have ever been to an interview, then you know what I mean by 'pretending'. The board pretending that you are of no use, you pretending as if you were the most useful person ever born on the earth, and even your resume/C.V. pretending as though everything written on it were true! I mean... Continue Reading →

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