If you could…

If you could understand the truth behind, “I was just kidding.”

If you could understand the feeling behind, “I don’t care.”

If you could understand the pain behind, “It’s okay.”

If you could understand the need behind, “Leave me alone.”

If you could understand the story behind, “I really don’t know.”

If you could…

                             ~Himanshi Shukla

40 thoughts on “If you could…

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  1. Good Lord, that’s powerful and beautiful. I don’t think there’s a person throughout all of history of mankind who could not utter Your poem with complete truth at one time or another. We can all SOOOO misunderstand one another. Amazing. Thank You for Sharing! Cheers!

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  2. Yes, there is always something behind those commonly used phrases, and most of the time the very opposite is true. Similar is the case of the man who tells you “With all due respect…” So sometimes it is best to let things be, because we all know there is more to it than meets the eye. It happens with everyone. 🙂


      1. Couldn’t help much about it, my friend. When someone says “With all due respect..” whatever comes next wouldn’t have any respect to it. So I see it coming, when I hear those words. Honestly, there is no standard way of responding to it. We can choose how we respond, but can’t change what the other person has to say.


  3. Thank you for the like. Sometimes, we don’t tell how we truly feel for many reasons, but in certain situations we should. Take care and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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